
Medical application for moxibustion

Moxibustion is effective to cure the following diseases:

1. Andrology: Premature ejaculation, impotence, prostatitis, seminal emission, and male infertility.

2. Gynecology: Habitual abortion, vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, cervicitis, infertility, mastitis, breast hyperplasia, lacking of milk, leukorrhagia, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, ovarian cyst.

3. Chronic disease: diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, bronchitis, fatty liver, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, gallstones, cholecystitis, periarthritis of shoulder, cervical spondylosis, menopausal syndrome, knee arthritis, Parkinson, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc, stroke hemiplegia, etc.

4. Common illness: fever, cold, cough, coryza, pharyngitis, omalgia, lumbago,etc.

5. Sub healthy group: pressure, loneliness, depression, insomnia, much dream, mental decline, memory loss, and fresh failure, neurasthenia, forgetfulness, dementia, schizophrenia, endocrine disorders, fatigue forgetfulness.

6.Gastrointestinal disease: gastric juice, stomachache, having problem in digestion, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

7. Dermatosis : Body odor, beriberi, oral ulcer, intractable skin problems, such as fibroma.

8. Body care: improve facial condition, dilute stains on face, remove winkles, prevent hair loss, help lose weight, enlarge breasts.

9. Health Care: improve health and enhance the body immunity.


Principle of Moxibustion

Here is the principle of moxibustion

1) The biological heat energy, generated by the burning of moxa, is closest to that in human body. The biological heat energy can truly enter the 12 meridians, restore deficiency and drive out the cold inside human body.

2) The red fire(infrared), appeared by the burning of moxa, is closest to infrared frequency inside the human body. It is infrared that allows the warmth and pure Yang energy produced by moxibustion, to come deep into human's internal organs and cure diseases.

3) The volatile substance, produced by the burning of moxa, can remove necrotic tissues and restore skin.

Heat, penetration and healing function are the three major characteristics of moxibustion and the essence and core of pure Yang energy. The burning of moxa can provide real pure Yang energy that is most needed for human body.

Does your medical system allow the entrance of our product? Is it possible that clinics in your country can distribute our AIAITIE. Can they sell our product if they sell it in their own name. What is the price to perform moxibustion for patient in your country?


Moxibustion is effective to cure diabetes

The patient had an examination in hospital and found that he got diabetes with his blood glucose level was as high as 25.

After listening to the doctor's advice, the patient took AIAITIE moxibustion every two nights for about 2 months with his wife's help. He gradually reduced the amount of medicine when he was taking moxibustion and did not take any medicine one and a half months later. Now, his blood glucose level is stable.

Notice: Diabetic patient's skin is hard to heal when it is burnt or hurt. Therefore, in case of skin burn, the patient should be very careful when he takes moxibustion.

The major acupoints he took were Dazhui(DU14), Feishu(BL13), Pishu(BL20) and Zhusanli(ST36).Patient can also take 2 or 3 the following points at the same time: Ganshu(BL18), Danshu(BL19), Weishu(BL21), Shenshu(BL23),Taixi(KL3), Yinlingquan(SP9), Fenglong(ST40), Yaoyangguan(DU3) and Mingmen(DU4).

More information, please visit http://www.aiaitiemoxibustion.com/.


I speak for my moxibustion product, AIAITIE.

I hope moxibustion will bring health to all the people around the world. My foreign friends, will you fulfill the dream with me?

AIAITIE designer


More information,please visit http://www.aiaitiemoxibustion.com/


AIAITIE moxibustion is effective to cure lumbar disc herniation

The patient suffered from lumbar disc herniation for 7 or 8 years. She took a lumbar surgery last year, but she still felt pain in her lumber. After performing AIAITIE moxibustion,she feels much better now.

AIAITE moxibustion     

This disease must be paid more attention to. If it becomes worse, it will cause urinary and fecal incontinence. If the patient performed AIAITIE moxibustion in time, she didn't need to take an operation.



Moxibustion Is effective to Prevent and Cure Cancer

Ms Zhu suffered from ovarian cancer and took a chemotherapy after operation at a hospital in Beijing. Weak and low in spirit, she laid on her bed all day, losing her appetite. Her white blood cells were found reducing to 600 far lower than the normal level of 4000-10000, which is closely relative to human's immunity.

At first, Ms Zhu took medicine and had several injections in hope of increasing the number of white blood cells, but the result was very frustrating. The poor woman decided to go home and waited for the hematopoietic cells to gradually recover. Three months had gone, but she didn't make much progress. Her white blood cells just grew to about 2000.  

Low level of white blood cells would increase the risk of RTI and death.
Under such an urgent circumstance, her doctor Mr Huang advised her to take moxibustion as the last life-saving straw. Both Ms Zhu and her doctor did not place too much hope on it. They just wanted to have a try and never thought that it would worked. The selenium content in moxa is 10 times higher than that in aloe. Therefore, moxibustion is effective to prevent and cure cancer, slow down aging and enhance patients' health.

AIAITIE moxibustion
Mr Huang performed moxibustion for her on Guanyuan(RN4), Qihai(RN6), and Zusanli(ST36) points for about 2 hours each time. One or two days later, Ms Zhu felt much better and wanted to eat. After taking moxibustion for some time, she found that her body was in the recovery.

Her blood sample examination showed a significant increase in number of white blood cells, from about 2000 to 4500 in just 4 or 5 days. How amazing! Ms Zhu and her doctor were both shocked by the magical effect of moxibustion.


Ms Zhu strongly believes that she will recover from the ovarian cancer and become healthy again.
More information, please visit http://www.aiaitiemoxibustion.com/



Want to start a family? Maybe you should try this.

AIAITIE Moxibustion is Effective to Cure Male Infertility 

We decided to do AIAITIE moxibustion after taking a TCM doctor's advice. We knew that performing moxibustion can enhance male's sexual function and diminish inflammation. Therefore, we both want to try the therapy in hope of easing my husband's problem.

We performed moxibustion therapy on the following acupoints: Zhongji(RN3), Baliao(BL31, BL32, BL33, BL34), Qugu(RN2), Sanyinjiao(SP6), Taixi(KL3), Mingmen(DU4), Shenshu(BL23) and Huiyin(RN1).My husband performed moxibustion on these points twice at a time for 10 days, and the result was very encouraging. There was a significant increase in the percentage of sperm motility. It reached 49%. The inflammation had gone, too. It was just too amazing to hear the news.
AIAITIE moxibustion

It is recommended that the patient should keep to a healthy diet while taking more exercises during his moxibustion treatment. If he follows these instructions, he is possible to get a continuing increase of percentage in his sperm motility. It will be much easier for him to start a family.    

Moxibustion is very effective to cure male infertility. I hope more people have an access to it and enjoy a healthier life with its help.

AIAITIE moxa sticks


AIAITIE Moxibustion to Enhance Sperm Motility.

Mr Liu and his wife are always in want of a child, but unfortunately, Mr Liu failed to impregnate his wife since he had a very low sperm motility.

Two months ago, Mr Liu took a TCM doctor's advice and performed moxibustion on Sanyinjiao(SP6), Shenshu(BL23), Baliao(BL31,BL32, BL33,BL34) and Shenque(RN8) points with four boxes of AIAITIE moxa sticks. To his surprise, after treatment, there is a significant increase in his sperm motility rate. His sperm becomes energetic and the sperm motility recovers to a normal state. Now, he is able to get his wife pregnant.

AIAITIE moxibustion

"We are always wanting a child.. I am so happy that AIAITIE brings me a good news. I will be a father very soon!"


Belly is Where a Woman Begins to Get Old

Women always get old faster than men do. Traditional Chinese medicine (TMC) believes that Yin energy prevails a woman's body, which means there is a great amount of cold inside her body. A woman will catch various diseases because of the cold. If her belly catches cold, she will get old much faster than ever.
 A Japanese study shows that if the temperature of a woman's belly decreases by 1, metabolism process will slow down by 12%. So, it is true that belly is where a woman begins to get old. Menstruation, giving birth and some other physiological factors make things even worse. women look 3 to 5 years older than men of her age.

A cold belly will affect your spleen and stomach. TMC believe that stomach is to receive food and spleen is to enhance the movement and digestion of food. When a woman get a cold belly, her appetite will be affected. She will always get a pale face, cold hands and cold feet, and feel pain in her waist and belly.
A cold belly will affect intestinal function. The intestine is responsible for the body's digestion and detoxification. Once its function is blocked, the toxins cannot be removed from the body. Some problems such as a dim and dark face, and color spots will occur.
A cold belly will affect a woman's womb. The significant of a woman's womb is very clear. A cold womb, caused by a cold belly, not only makes a woman older, but also brings some gynecological diseases.

Therefore, from the perspective of TCM, what a woman should do is to prevent her belly from catching cold. There are several methods to your belly warm, including taking moxibustion.
1. Get warm by adding clothes in cold weather. Try to not reveal your waist, belly and navel.
2. Drink more warm water. Warm water is helpful to keep your belly warm and enhance the blood circulation.

3. Often perform moxibustion onGuanyuan point (RN4) and your navel. The heat generated from moxa stick can penetrate skin and enter your body. Taking moxibustion on Guanyuan point and your navel can cure irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and cold womb.


Sexual apathy? Try this and you may be in mood very soon!

sexual apathy
In the past two years, many friends, most of them are women, asked me questions about sexual apathy which has always been an annoyance for them. It is meaningful to share their experience.

In fact, many women in the country suffer from sexual apathy. It is a worse thing for couples to prevent them from getting sexual satisfaction. Sexual apathy may turn into a cold war between couples. They love their husbands and boyfriends as much as the common people, but the thing is they are just not in mood when it comes to have sex.

Seeing so many women have the same problem as you, do you feel more released, because you are not alone? Maybe you should!

Some women shared that they resorted to traditional Chinese Medicine and perform moxibustion for some time. They gradually found progress and their resistance against sex became less stronger.

If you are in the same situation like them, you can try what they performed. It is recommended that you should perform moxibustion above the these acupoints: Jianjing(GB21), Guanyuan(RN4), Sanyinjiao(SP6), and your navel.



Acupuncture VS Moxibustion: Maybe I can live a longer life by performing moxi...

Acupuncture VS Moxibustion: Maybe I can live a longer life by performing moxi...: The story is about the long-lived elderly in Japan during the period of Tokugawa Shogunate. The old man was Wanbingwei(transliteration) fro...

Maybe I can live a longer life by performing moxibustion

Zusanli point
perform moxibustion above Zusanli
In north Japan where is cold, people there are fond of performing moxibustion above the Zusanli point to enable themselves enjoy a healthier and longer life.

In fact, this moxibustion therapy comes from China. Sun Simiao, king of medicine in Tang dynasty also performed moxibustion therapy on Zusanli very often. It is said that he lived 142 years.

king of medicine
King of medicine

This moxibustion therapy, which passes on from the ancient times, now also plays a significant role in modern time.

moxibustion AIAITIE
AIAITIE for Zusanli point

Two Ways to Get a Moxibustion

People from China know the benefits of performing moxibustion very well. And the good thing is more and more foreigners want to know more about it as their desire for good health become stronger. Moxibustion therapy is easy to learn and can be performed by yourself at home.

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy involving the burning of mugwort to help people healthier in China. Generally speaking, there are two ways to get a moxibustion. One is direct moxibustion and the other is indirect moxibustion.
Direct moxibustion can be divided into two types, namely, scaring and non-scaring moxibustion. With scarring moxibustion, the moxa stick, the size of a soybean or a jujube pit, is placed directly on the acupoint and remains there until the stick is completely burnt out. This will lead to blisters and scarring which will be left permanently on the skin. This way, more or less will cause pain and damage beauty. Therefore, it is unsuitable for those who suffer scar diathesis.
traditional moxibustion
Traditional way for moxibustion 

As for non-scarring moxibustion, the moxa stick is placed on the point and removed before it burns the skin. The patient will not experience pain, blistering or scarring. This way is suitable for adults who can endure the heat it causes.

At present, indirect moxibustion is the more popular for health care in China since the patient will have a lower risk of pain and burning. The patient lights one end of a moxa stick, roundly the size of a cigar, and holds it close to the acupoint or the area that cause discomfort for some minutes until the area turns red. It will take quite some time before the moxa stick is completely burnt out. It is a little troublesome and tired to perform moxibustion in this way so some new designs and devices are invented in modern China for the purpose of getting a more convenient moxibustion. Thus, the old and young, man and women, all can perform moxibustion anywhere and anytime and enjoy the sense of comfort it brings. 
modern moxibustion
Modern way for moxibustion


General Introduction about Acupuncture-moxibustion Therapy

Acupuncture-moxibustion therapy
Acupuncture-moxibustion therapy (zhēn jiǔ liáo fǎ 针灸疗法) which mainly consists of both acupuncture (zhēn jiǔ 针灸) and moxibustion (ài jiǔ 艾灸) is an unique approach to medical care in China and is also an indispensable component of Chinese medicine (zhōng yī 中医). The acupuncture treatment is the insertion of different fine needles on the body's surface according to a certain point (xué wèi 穴位), to stimulate certain parts of the body and use various methods to evoke the channels (jīng luò 经络) as well as the vital energy (qì 气) of human body, in order to adjust physiological functioning of the body so to cure diseases. Moxibustion is the burning of moxa (ài 艾) on or near a person's skin as a counterirritant. For a long time, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment are often combined together in clinical practice application, therefore we collectively referred to them as Acupuncture-moxibustion therapy.

TCM therapy
Acupuncture-moxibustion therapy

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of treating disease or relieving pain by inserting one or more metal needles (zhēn 针) at a certain point or certain points of the human body. The earliest written record that is available about acupuncture is Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine (orYellow Emperor's Inner Canon  huáng dì nèi jīng 黄帝内经), which suggests acupuncture originated in China and would explain why it is most commonly associated with traditional Chinese medicine.

silver needle
Acupuncture needle

Acupuncture Therapy
An acupuncturist (针灸医生 zhēn jiǔ yī shēng) usually pays due attention to the basic techniques including the way the needle is inserted rapidly or slowly, the depth of insertion, the length of time the needle should be left in the body, and the number of needles required to the treatment.

According to Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, "the coldness hidden in the body would bring illness which could be expelled through moxibustion". Moxibustion, another effective therapy, was discovered by ancient people when they sat down around a fire. They found that the heat not only kept them warm but also relieved physical pains. Then they started to use moxa leaves for the same purpose. Today, in the treatment moxa leaves are ignited over certain points on the skin's surface.

Artemisia argyi

The efficacy
Dredging the meridian (jīng luò 经络); Regulating Yin (yīn 阴) and Yang (yáng 阳); Strengthening the body resistance and eliminating pathogenic factors

Acupuncture and moxibustion have many advantages. First, they are applicable in various kinds of diseases and suit therapeutic needs in internal medicine (nèi kē 内科), surgery (wài kē 外科),gynecology (fù kē 妇科), as well as in preventive medicine (yù fáng yī xué 预防医学). Second, they produce prompt and appreciable cures: increase resistance to disease by providing simulation at certain points, and stop pain. Third, they are easily practiced and mastered. Furthermore, they produce on or slight side effects, are generally safe, and can be applied together with other therapies.
Ancient TCM therapy
AIAITIE is a revolution product of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy.
For more than 2000 years, Acupuncture-moxibustion therapy has been popular in China and has been rapidly spread and wide accepted in many areas all over the world. Acupuncture and moxibustion play an important role not only in advancing Chinese medical science, but also in promoting medical and health science of the whole world.


Acupuncture VS Moxibustion

Both acupuncture and moxibustion are belong to the traditional Chinese medicine therapy. Many people would consider acupuncture as the same thing with moxibustion. And some of you may want to know how these two ancient therapy work in modern society. Today we are going to talk about their similarities and differentiae.

moxa stick

To start with, the mechanism of these two therapy are both by stimulating the acupuncture points to achieve the purpose of curing disease (strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi,)and preserving health. But there is one big difference between them, acupuncture generate physical effects while moxibustion achieves its effect through a compound action of herbal medicine(moxa) and physical interaction.

self-help moxibustion
AIAITIE moxa stick

Secondly, moxibustion therapy belongs to external natural therapy, so it doesn't have any side effect, you could perform it at home by yourself. As for acupuncture, you have to go to the professional practitioner, who are well competent for acupuncture. And the needles have to be disinfectant thoroughly, or else it can cause side effect.