
Moxibustion is effective to cure diabetes

The patient had an examination in hospital and found that he got diabetes with his blood glucose level was as high as 25.

After listening to the doctor's advice, the patient took AIAITIE moxibustion every two nights for about 2 months with his wife's help. He gradually reduced the amount of medicine when he was taking moxibustion and did not take any medicine one and a half months later. Now, his blood glucose level is stable.

Notice: Diabetic patient's skin is hard to heal when it is burnt or hurt. Therefore, in case of skin burn, the patient should be very careful when he takes moxibustion.

The major acupoints he took were Dazhui(DU14), Feishu(BL13), Pishu(BL20) and Zhusanli(ST36).Patient can also take 2 or 3 the following points at the same time: Ganshu(BL18), Danshu(BL19), Weishu(BL21), Shenshu(BL23),Taixi(KL3), Yinlingquan(SP9), Fenglong(ST40), Yaoyangguan(DU3) and Mingmen(DU4).

More information, please visit http://www.aiaitiemoxibustion.com/.

