
Acupuncture VS Moxibustion

Both acupuncture and moxibustion are belong to the traditional Chinese medicine therapy. Many people would consider acupuncture as the same thing with moxibustion. And some of you may want to know how these two ancient therapy work in modern society. Today we are going to talk about their similarities and differentiae.

moxa stick

To start with, the mechanism of these two therapy are both by stimulating the acupuncture points to achieve the purpose of curing disease (strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi,)and preserving health. But there is one big difference between them, acupuncture generate physical effects while moxibustion achieves its effect through a compound action of herbal medicine(moxa) and physical interaction.

self-help moxibustion
AIAITIE moxa stick

Secondly, moxibustion therapy belongs to external natural therapy, so it doesn't have any side effect, you could perform it at home by yourself. As for acupuncture, you have to go to the professional practitioner, who are well competent for acupuncture. And the needles have to be disinfectant thoroughly, or else it can cause side effect.

