
Sexual apathy? Try this and you may be in mood very soon!

sexual apathy
In the past two years, many friends, most of them are women, asked me questions about sexual apathy which has always been an annoyance for them. It is meaningful to share their experience.

In fact, many women in the country suffer from sexual apathy. It is a worse thing for couples to prevent them from getting sexual satisfaction. Sexual apathy may turn into a cold war between couples. They love their husbands and boyfriends as much as the common people, but the thing is they are just not in mood when it comes to have sex.

Seeing so many women have the same problem as you, do you feel more released, because you are not alone? Maybe you should!

Some women shared that they resorted to traditional Chinese Medicine and perform moxibustion for some time. They gradually found progress and their resistance against sex became less stronger.

If you are in the same situation like them, you can try what they performed. It is recommended that you should perform moxibustion above the these acupoints: Jianjing(GB21), Guanyuan(RN4), Sanyinjiao(SP6), and your navel.



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Acupuncture VS Moxibustion: Maybe I can live a longer life by performing moxi...: The story is about the long-lived elderly in Japan during the period of Tokugawa Shogunate. The old man was Wanbingwei(transliteration) fro...

Maybe I can live a longer life by performing moxibustion

Zusanli point
perform moxibustion above Zusanli
In north Japan where is cold, people there are fond of performing moxibustion above the Zusanli point to enable themselves enjoy a healthier and longer life.

In fact, this moxibustion therapy comes from China. Sun Simiao, king of medicine in Tang dynasty also performed moxibustion therapy on Zusanli very often. It is said that he lived 142 years.

king of medicine
King of medicine

This moxibustion therapy, which passes on from the ancient times, now also plays a significant role in modern time.

moxibustion AIAITIE
AIAITIE for Zusanli point

Two Ways to Get a Moxibustion

People from China know the benefits of performing moxibustion very well. And the good thing is more and more foreigners want to know more about it as their desire for good health become stronger. Moxibustion therapy is easy to learn and can be performed by yourself at home.

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy involving the burning of mugwort to help people healthier in China. Generally speaking, there are two ways to get a moxibustion. One is direct moxibustion and the other is indirect moxibustion.
Direct moxibustion can be divided into two types, namely, scaring and non-scaring moxibustion. With scarring moxibustion, the moxa stick, the size of a soybean or a jujube pit, is placed directly on the acupoint and remains there until the stick is completely burnt out. This will lead to blisters and scarring which will be left permanently on the skin. This way, more or less will cause pain and damage beauty. Therefore, it is unsuitable for those who suffer scar diathesis.
traditional moxibustion
Traditional way for moxibustion 

As for non-scarring moxibustion, the moxa stick is placed on the point and removed before it burns the skin. The patient will not experience pain, blistering or scarring. This way is suitable for adults who can endure the heat it causes.

At present, indirect moxibustion is the more popular for health care in China since the patient will have a lower risk of pain and burning. The patient lights one end of a moxa stick, roundly the size of a cigar, and holds it close to the acupoint or the area that cause discomfort for some minutes until the area turns red. It will take quite some time before the moxa stick is completely burnt out. It is a little troublesome and tired to perform moxibustion in this way so some new designs and devices are invented in modern China for the purpose of getting a more convenient moxibustion. Thus, the old and young, man and women, all can perform moxibustion anywhere and anytime and enjoy the sense of comfort it brings. 
modern moxibustion
Modern way for moxibustion